December 11, 2012

Here is a link to a TED talk by Marian Banjes, a very distinguished graphic designer whose designs have been used in store windows, books, magazines, labels and more. She talks about her own designs and how she got to where she is today but also some inspirational words for any creative person.

For anyone who doesnt know what TED is, please get on this website and watch some videos. They range from beautiful and inspiring to persuasive and informative. There is a ton of videos for anything you could be interested it and they are all talks given by amazing inspiring hardworking people who have rised to the top of their field or done something amazing with their lives. enjoy!

NFL Logos

December 11, 2012

Here’s a cool look at how I view graphic design, these are sports team logos. They’re very popular and always needed for schools all the way to the pro’s.

Logo evolution is also cool to look at, to see how much things change.






December 11, 2012

This is a very cool website that everyone should check out, it’s all about logos. People who love logos, like logos we see everyday because people view them as beautiful art! There are also different logo design creations.



December 11, 2012



I thought if I want to design something the color is key things to think about. This site is all about color. From popularity of color, the methods of how to use the color, news and articles to interviews. They share the color, palettes and patterns. This website is creative community that users make themselves and they talk about current trends, so you can read colorful writings also. Basically they are classified into wedding, home, fashion, web, print, craft, business. Each menu are composed of pallettes, patterns, colors, shapes, groups, trends, discussions and stores. And even in the menu there are Tool which is  built-in software that can make pattern or pallete. It might be a lot help who wants to know about colors.


I just fond some benenficial things about fonts that professional designers use. If you want to see how does the fonts look like this is the website of blog. Actually this is Korean blog so the language might be a lot strange but I’m sure everyone can understand. And also there is 100 best commercial Fonts ever made from FONTSHOP, with rank and font name the date designed with designerd by. If you have trouble to choose which font to use it’s good idea to refer to this site.


1. Helvetica   /   2. Frutiger   /   3. Myriad Pro

4. Avenir Std   /   5. Trajan   /   6. Optima Std

7. ITC Franklin Gothic Std   /    8. Futura   /   9. Bickham Script

10. Univers   /   11. Eurostile    /   12. Interstate

13. Trade Gothic    /   14. Gill Sans   /    15. Warnock

16. Kepler    /   17. Bodoni    /   18. Bembo

19. Rockwell   /   20. Meta   /   21. Gotham

From, 21 Most Used Fonts By Professional Designers Fonts instantShift

Creativity Insight

December 11, 2012

On StumbleUpon, I found this page with 22 pieces of artwork that utilized positive and negative space. Enjoy the artwork and enjoy looking through the site itself. It is a company website that has a large portfolio to look through. This can give us, as designers, an idea of what the competition has as well as showing us what kind of company we may want to work for. Here are some of the pieces of artwork with the positive and negative space.



The link to the 22 artworks:
The link to the site itself:



December 11, 2012

I came upon this when I was on twitter, and it really has some pretty cool things, including color palettes, patterns, shapes, and colors. There is also a blog to follow and see what is trending. There are several channels: business, craft, fashion, home, print, web, and wedding. There are multiple trends and tools to use and a store to buy certain things that you could use as a designer.
Below are two screen shots of things from the website.
Colour Palettes

Do Work

Holiday’s are here!

December 11, 2012

So I was looking for fun Holiday card ideas for this upcoming holiday season and found a really cool website with all different types.  Whether you want a Christmas or Hannauka card idea, or any other holiday for that matter, check out this website!  It’s full of creative and interesting designs and concepts that will make your card be sure to stand out!  (Especially if you’re good with computer programs)  Enjoy and have a Happy Holiday Season!

Graphic Design Jobs

December 11, 2012

It can be a difficult thing to find a job as a graphic designer. You constantly have to be on your a game and be ten steps ahead of everyone else. Luckily, the following site shows potential search engines for the graphic designer without a job. You may not know what to do with your skills and what specific field you want to go into to utilize them but this site will help you on the way to your goal of being fully employed.

Graphic Design Resume

December 11, 2012


Resumes can be an overwhelming thing in the graphic design world. You want to differ from your competitors without overwhelming aesthetically the person who may be reviewing your  resume. The resume I found from this site it rather on the mark in what the person is presenting to potential companies with how it shows off their skills visually as well as informative with the actual text presented in said resume. It shows through a clean white background the person interests, to add an extra dimension to potential employers that they simply are not just another piece of paper while showing what skills they are most proficient in.